The business license is a tax certificate to show that a business has paid the business license tax and fees. Its sole purpose is to raise revenue for municipal purposes. It is non-regulatory.
I'm not running a business. Why do I need a business license?
Any person who derives an income or is located within the city limits of Tracy is required to pay the business license tax prior to commencing business.
Can I conduct my business anywhere once I have the business license tax certificate?
The business license tax certificate does not entitle the holder to conduct business before complying with all requirements of the Tracy Municipal code and other applicable laws, nor to conduct business in a zone where such business violates law.
What is the cost of a business license?
There is an annual minimum flat rate fee of $50 for the first $500,000 of gross receipts. Businesses reporting gross receipts over $500,000 will be taxed based on a rate of 0.1%-0.3%. For a tax and fee schedule you may contact the Finance & Administrative Services department at (209) 826-1827 to determine which classification your business falls under. The tax may be pro-rated based on your start date.
Can I conduct my business from my home?
It depends on the type of business you are conducting. It has to fall within the guideline regulations of the home occupation permit. You may contact the Finance Department or the Dev. & Engineering Zoning dept. at 831-6400 to inquire.
Does the City of Tracy have a one day business license?
We issues business license tax certificates quarterly and annually. There are some exceptions depending on when and where and the type of business you will be conducting.
When does my business license tax certificate expire?
The City of Tracy is on a fiscal year July 1st to June 30th. Most certificates expire on June 30th. A few classifications are on a quarterly basis, thus expiring Sept. 30th, Dec. 31st, March 31st or June 30th.
Does my business license tax certificate allow me to conduct business in other cities? Is there just one license that covers all California cities?
No, the City of Tracy business license tax certificate allows you to conduct business from or within the city limits of Tracy only. You should contact the city in which you are conducting business to inquire about their business license tax and fee requirements.