The City is partnering with Raftelis Inc., a consulting firm with expertise in water and wastewater rate studies in California and across the country. Their scope of work includes developing long-range financial plans for wastewater service and assisting with the California Proposition 218 process and public hearings for rate adoption. The rate study consists of a series of steps involving data evaluation, performing technical analyses, deriving customer rates, and understanding customer impacts of any modifications. Once a rate proposal is determined, the complete study is documented in a Study Report to serve as part of the City’s administrative record.
In California, all parcels connected to a wastewater (sewer) system must be given notice of any rate changes with the ability to protest the proposed rates. The notice details the proposed rates, the basis for calculating the proposed rates, the reason for the proposed rate increase, the details of the public hearing, and the ratepayers’ or property owners’ right to protest. After a protest period of no less than 45 days, the City Council can conduct a Public Hearing. Absent a majority protest to the rate proposal, the City Council may choose to adopt the rates as noticed.